Crisis Release

The Story: This release was done in a time pressured situation to test my ability to maintain deadlines while producing a high quality product.  My program at Mohawk College thoroughly taught me how to communicate in a crisis.  

FICTIONAL: for educational use only
For Immediate Release
Wisetech Reduction
Green City Ontario
Aaron Hols-Vanhumbeck
Dangerous fire at Wisetech storage facility
            Green City, Ont. – March 28, 2017 – During the early morning of March 28 a fire broke out at one of Wisetech’s storage facilities in Erie City, Ontario.  The fire continues to burn throughout the morning and has caused a large plume of black smoke to cross over the Erie City.  The Erie City fire chief has ordered an evacuation of all residents and businesses within a three-kilometer distance of the fire.  As of now it is believed that no air contaminants have been released because of the fire. 
            Wisetech is working closely with all emergency personnel such as the Erie City fire department and the Ministry of the Environment.  The ministry is monitoring air conditions in the surrounding areas to make sure no poisonous gasses are released.  We will inform citizens and media of any air contaminants when and if they are detected by the ministry.  As well, the Erie City fire department is investigating the cause of the fire and working effortlessly to control the blaze.  For continued updates please visit our Facebook and Twitter pages.
            The storage facility contains old computers, computer components, stereo equipment, and other electronics that would otherwise end up in a land-fill.  Our company stores the most volatile recyclables in a separate interior facility that is insured with a double steel roof to prevent contaminant leakage.  Materials and products that do no contain dangerous chemicals are stored in larger open areas of the warehouse.
            Wisetech Reduction is an award-winning recycling company that reduces electronic waste in our landfills.  The companies recycling initiatives have won global recognition due to their environmentally friendly recycling practices.  Wisetech takes on most types of electric waste such as computers, computer components, stereo equipment and other electronics.  Wisetech Reductions is based out of Canada in Green City and can be contacted at 1-800-456-1234 for more information visit the website at or login to our social media cites for quick updates. 


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