Media Advisory

Attention: Editors/Producers/Reporters
March 23, 2017

Jacksontown Hospital receives funds for Expansion

Local Philanthropist donates a large sum to the Jacksontown Hospital.  This donation allows the hospital to undergo a large expansion and become a world leader in specialized healthcare. 

WHO: The Jacksontown Hospital president Janet Smith, Peter Elgin and the Hospital Board of Directors will be in attendance. 

WHAT: Imminent hospital expansion is being planned after local philanthropist Peter Elgin donates large sum.

WHERE: Located in the Sun Room of the Jacksontown Hospital located at 15 Blue Nose Crescent

WHEN: Thursday, March 27 at 10 a.m.

WHY: A large donation is being made to the Jacksontown hospital which allows the hospital to expand and improve the quality of its care. 

HOW: The Jacksontown hospital has served the community for 35 years and employs nearly 3000 people.

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Media Contact:
Aaron Hols-vanhumbeck
Director of Communications
Jacksontown Hospital


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